If you’re a newbie to the RV world or are unfamiliar with RV solar panels, you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. Solar panels have made it possible for RVs to run more efficiently while leaving less of a carbon footprint. They’re the perfect upgrade for someone who wants to make their RV experience more efficient and cost effective at the same time!

Solar panels have been in the making since the 1880s (yes, 1880s!) but it’s really only been since the 1950s that the use of solar panels has become more widespread and even just in the last couple of decades that technology has advanced to the point of making them a great option for motorhomes. 

What Are RV Solar Panels?

Solar panels contain solar cells that run off of the sun’s energy by trapping the sunlight and turning it into a usable power source. Solar panels are installed on the roof of your RV, where they’ll be able to absorb the most sunlight. Solar panels collect energy from the sun and convert it into an electrical current that will later be used as electricity to power your RV’s appliances, and potentially its heating and cooling system. 

How Do They Work?

If solar panels to power your RV sound like an interesting investment, you’re probably wondering how they work. RV solar panels are installed on the top of your RV’s roof. While you’re driving during the day or parked somewhere with sunshine, the sunlight hits the panels and the panels absorb energy from the sun! Circuits then take the energy absorbed by the panels and create an electrical current which is fed through wires to a charge controller. From there this current becomes electricity that provides a charge to your RV’s house batteries as a means to store energy for later use.

You need a few things to kickstart the installation process:

  • Solar panels
  • Charge controller
  • Inverter
  • Solar batteries

All of these components can be bought separately, but there are also kits available that include everything you need. Keep in mind that you’ll need the appropriate wires and cables to connect everything together. As a safety net, it is also recommended that you purchase a deep cycle battery to provide electricity for your RV if needed overnight or on especially cloudy days.

Are RV Solar Panels Worth The Investment?

Some potential panel buyers are turned away when they see the typical cost of investment, which could be anywhere from several hundred dollars all the way up to $5000, depending on your wants, needs and the size of your rig. But if solar panels are right for you, then using solar panels to power your RV will easily save you money over time. It’s up to you to determine if it makes sense for you to invest in solar panels.

If you plan to spend most of your time at campgrounds with electrical hookups, it probably isn’t worth it for you to invest in solar panels. However, if you’re more keen on the road less traveled, it might be a great option to opt for solar panels to provide you with energy. Remote locations won’t be able to provide the same amenities an RV campground would, so it’s a good way to test out your solar panels to see how much juice you can store up!

RV Solar Panel Installation Near You

Now that you know a little more about solar panels and what they can provide you with, you can confidently make your decision based on your own needs! Solar panels are a great money-saving option if you’re keen on traveling off the beaten path and helping the environment around you at the same time. At We Get Around RV Repair, we know the great value that solar panels provide and we’d love to take care of your solar panel installation. Call us today at 817-936-3659!