If your RV doesn’t utilize solar panels to provide energy to your appliances, it most likely has a generator for you to run your appliances conveniently. Thanks to the generator, you can use your lights in the evening, throw on the TV and plug in your appliances. The fact that you have these comforts available is awesome when you’re on the road, but have you considered what you need to do to make sure your generator remains in good repair? 

Here are a few best practices to care for your RV generator to keep it running for the long haul: 

  • Turn on the generator regularly 
  • Clean generator’s cooling system
  • Give the generator an oil change

Run The Generator Regularly

Just as with your car, your RV generator’s battery needs to be fired up every once in a while to keep the battery level alive and well. For an RV generator, you should aim to run it for an hour or so every few weeks, so it doesn’t get stagnant and lose its juice. If your RV sits in storage for long periods of time or goes through seasons of no use without the generator being ran, you run the risk of running the generator into the ground due to the lack of use.

When you do run the generator, turn on a few of your appliances so the generator is forced to run at or above 50% load capacity.

Inspect The Generator’s Cooling System

As you perform regular maintenance checks on your RV, add ‘checking the generator’s cooling system’ to the to-do list. Meaning you should inspect the air inlet system, where any outside air comes into the generator’s compartment through tubing, vents or any other means. Any debris that could be caught in these spaces, blocking the cooling vents will cause your generator to overheat.

To keep your generator in tip top shape, you should clean its air filters at every 50 hours or so of use and replace them after each 100 hours of use. This will help your generator stay clean and free from dirt, dust and debris that would otherwise jeopardize the integrity of your cooling system.

Give The Generator An Oil Change

Just as you would take care of your car, your RV generator requires the occasional oil change as well. If you’re running a new generator, as a rule of thumb it’s generally recommended to change the oil after the first 50 hours of generator use. After the initial change, you can space the next changes out by every 150 hours. And while you’re at it, you might as well replace oil filters and top off coolant to make sure your system is ready to go when you need it to be.

15W40 is the go-to generator oil recommended for diesel recreational vehicles. If you aren’t confident in changing the generator’s oil or haven’t done so before, a local repair shop can help you through the process.

Mobile Service For RV Generators Around Greater Fort Worth

When you’re on the road, there is no good time for an emergency. And when your generator goes kaput, what might start off as an inconvenience can quickly turn into a nightmare if you can’t resolve the issue OR use your appliances while you travel. When this happens, look no further than We Get Around RV Repair!

At We Get Around, our 24/7 mobile repair service will soon make your frustrations a thing of the past, as we quickly diagnose and accurately repair any generator related issue. Don’t bargain with your generator when you could leave it to the pros. Call us at 817-936-3659 when you need assistance!